Souling mantra: I create my world.
Journal starter: The kind of world I am creating is…
My world looks like…
Souling action: I don’t think telling you to get a coach or look for a coach is the right thing to do here, because I don’t know you just yet. But I will ask you once again to be curious. Ask yourself, am I ready to open up my butthole and my heart? Would it be helpful to have another person to guide me through some personal learning? What do I need?
- Kylee Stone - The Performance Code:
- Nardia Joy - @RainbowFireLoveQueen on Instagram
- Katie O’Donoghue - Relationship Coach
- Tony Robbins
- ‘Unf*ck Your Brain’ podcast by Kara Loewentheil
- Jay Shetty
- Danny Morel
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