Souling mantra: My emotions are all there to be experienced.
Journal starter: The emotion I’m the most scared of feeling is ________ because…
Souling action: As above, team. Today’s action is a challenging piece of work. It is to feel your innermost emotions deeply – the ones that you fear. Explore that scary emotion and let it flow in, out and around you. Just feel it, because it was meant for you. Let it blossom around you. Hold space for that experience.
A caveat for taking this action, if you’re experiencing severe depression or anxiety or any other mental health concerns, please consult your doctor or professional before doing this act of souling. The advice in this chapter is not professional, it is purely my opinion.
- ‘Atlas of the Heart’ by Brené Brown
- @DannyMorel on Instagram
- ‘Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief’ by David Kessler
- ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay
- ‘Rainbow Power’ by Jerico Mandybur
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