Enemies or Mirrors
Souling mantra: With this mirror, I choose to self reflect.
Journal starter: A mirror that keeps coming up for me is…
I can work on this mirror by self reflecting on…
Souling action: Take some time to consider a person or experience that has triggered judgemental or unkind thoughts for you. If you dig deep, why do you think those thoughts appeared for you? What did you make those thoughts mean about you? Consider whether those thoughts elevated you ‘above’ another; how might you be able to come down from that place and have compassion for that person or experience and for yourself? Think about moments where you’ve felt a level of disgust for someone, and ask yourself why. What do they mirror for you about yourself? Go look at yourself in the mirror.
- ‘How to Meet Yourself’ by Dr Nicole LePera
- ‘Comparisonitis’ by Melissa Ambrosini
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